Saturday, October 22, 2011

Christmas Countdown Begins 10/23!

Normally, Christmas Eve finds me wrapping gifts into the wee hours - sometimes even in line still shopping! Last year, I came across and followed the Christmas Countdown, and everything - presents purchased and wrapped, decorations up, meals planned, etc. - was done WEEKS BEFORE the holiday. Read More >>
Everything is free, from the email reminders and daily articles to the printables necessary to create your own planning notebook. This nifty tool helps me plan for things that I know I'd otherwise forget, like arranging dates with friends I rarely get to see. It causes me to be intentional instead of reactive during such a busy season. Even if you choose not to follow the plan, this notebook is worth its weight in gold! 

This year it begins on October 23 and ends December 3.  I hope you'll enjoy this planning tool as much as I have!


Unknown said...

This is indeed a great idea Mikki! Before you know it Christmas will be here. When we leave things for the last minute it can be very stressful. By the way, I hope you got my email in reply to yours stating that I will be the Fine Feathered Friend on October 25. Take care and have a good week.

ninalazina said...

Yes, I don't like rushing around so this is a good idea. However, I also don't like list, well list on paper or PC. I have it all planned in my head, which is a pain for my husband as he does not have a clue what is going on! lol
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