Sunday, May 6, 2012

Becoming a "Cool" Godly Woman!

While reading my devotional on Proverbs 1 today, I was struck by the following statement on the effect wisdom has on us...

"...we look at life through lenses of perception, and we respond to it in calm confidence."
From Living on the Ragged Edge by Charles Swindoll

It reminded me of a certain type of Godly women that God has allowed to influence me in my Christian walk. These women are NOT moved by circumstances. When confronted with an issue or comment that dramatically shifts their situation, they're somehow able to maintain their peaceful, calm demeanor. They stay "cool" under pressure.

I've always been in awe of this, as I tend to be easily excitable, as indicated in my overuse of exclamation marks in my posts ;) Now, I do fairly well in grave situations, times in which I'm immediately aware that God is all I have and all I need. But I need help in being able to keep my cool in other situations...whether faced by a wonderfully happy turn of events or by one that incites anger or by one that elicits worry. I know in my soul that He's still all I have and need, but in those times, it's so easy to allow my flesh to rule.

So, I think God gave me that simple statement to assist me in those areas. It boils down to perception and confidence. To reach my goal of becoming a "cool" Godly woman, I'm asking God to help me continually think about 2 things:

1. God is watching. Remember THAT He sees and HOW He sees the situation. "The eyes of the Lord are everywhere" Proverbs 15:3 

2. God is in charge. No matter how things look or sound, He'll have His way, and that way is perfect. He says, “Be still, and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10 NIV

If you know any women like those I've described, thank God for them, and tell them how much you appreciate their Godly example!


Keirstin said...

I love this post. I think everything you said is dead on.

Mikki said...

Thanks Keirstin! Now I have to apply it!

Keirstin said...

It is always easier to say (or write) it than to apply it. Praying that you are able to apply!