Saturday, January 26, 2013

"Nicole's Method" Update #5

It's been a long time since my last post, but I'm ready to begin again! When I last wrote, I told about  some health problems I was experiencing that made weight loss seem the least of my worries! It was never determined exactly what caused my liver to go crazy and pneumonia to follow, but blood tests eventually showed that the episode was over. Thank you, Lord!

So, here I am, ready to begin again, with a commitment to transparency...

Beginning Weight/Date: 201 lbs on November 26, 2011

Current weight on January 26, 2013: 193.6

Current amount lost: 7.4 pounds

Let's review Nicole's method... 
    • PORTION CONTROL: Serve yourself a preschooler’s portion.
    • WATER, WATER, and more WATER: Before meal, between bites, and when tempted but not hungry.
    • FRUITS & VEGGIES: Unlimited! 
    • INDULGE ON LIMITED OCCASIONS: Small portions, of course.
    • NO EXERCISE: Not the priority at this point.
Last week's year's success?: Oh wow! I haven't even been trying to lose weight, and I only gained .4 pound! NOT exactly. Although I hadn't mentioned it here, I had lost an additional 5 pounds. So I've actually gained 6 pounds or so. 

What I'm learning:
I've let go of almost all of these principles, and to be honest, I'm scared to commit to them. They're sound and obviously effective, but can I commit to them? I've even considered embracing one a week until I get a handle on them. Stay tuned. I'm off to drink my pre-breakfast water :) Stay tuned...


Sylvia said...

Glad to see you're back, Mikki! I hope your health issues are decreasing. I believe that what we eat has a lot to do with how we feel. One thing that helps me stay on track is reminding myself that I want to be as healthy as possible for my family. Is what I'm about to eat ultimately going to help or hurt them? When I feel lazy I remind myself that exercising is what got and keeps my blood pressure down. I can't say that I am always successful, but I'm doing much, much better than before! I pray you will too.

Honeybee said...

Glad to found you. I am on a weight loss my journey myself. My goal is to lose 20kg before my birthday that coming up on November. Let's do this together.


Mikki said...

@Sylvia: Thanks for your concern! My health issues were resolved! I like your idea of thinking of your family when you consider what you eat! I appreciate your prayers.

@Honeybee: I love your encouragement! I'll try to remember you in my prayers and that we're doing this together!