Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A New Giveaway Linky!

Feather Your Nest

While visiting Decorating from the Heart, I noticed her ingenious use of her margin to plant an ongoing giveaway linky! I've created one for my blog too, called the "Feather Your Nest" Giveaway Linky. You'll find it in the right margin of my homepage. The only requirements are that entries are family-friendly and contain end dates. Here are the highlights about this linky...

It isn't relegated to a particular day of the week. I'll refresh the list at least once a week by removing giveaways that have closed. There's no need to relist your giveaway each week!

Participants can easily see exactly what you're offering. If you're unsure how to link up this way, I have more details on my blog hop posts.

It's right on my homepage! Plus, I've posted a button that can be grabbed by both giveaway FANS and HOSTS so they can hop on over easily.

If you like to ENTER giveaways, I hope you'll find this linky to be a source for current, family-friendly blog giveaways. If you like to HOST giveaways, I hope you find it to be an easy way to list your current giveaways! Enjoy!

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