Welcome to the Flock Together Tuesday Blog Hop!
No rules! Plus, this week we're going to list each blog as a button. Don't worry - you DON'T NEED to have a button to participate! Linky Tools will create one for you in a couple of easy steps. Simply...
- Click on "Click here to enter" at the bottom of this post and follow the Linky Tools directions. In step 4, I recommend selecting "Auto Crop" and "From Web."
- Click through the other blogs and follow of the ones you love in whatever manner you prefer (RSS, GFC, Twitter, Facebook, etc.). Kindly pass on the ones you don't.
If this is all new to you, click here. If your goal is to find friends and gain followers, may I recommend that you also:
- Set a goal to find and follow a minimum number of blogs that interest you.
- Check back throughout the day to visit late entries that just may be your cup of tea.
- Leave a comment if you follow, and follow back those who follow you.

She truly hits on a wide variety of topics, and I enjoy reading her posts! I hope you will visit this blog and consider becoming a follower! READ MORE >>